Installation and sample of Tcl/tk

1.Download the executable file from website and install it in windows system, eg: “”
2.Run tclsh to execute commands, here is a sample which can telnet to the DUT and set some prameters.

package require Expect
set Login admin
set Password 12345678
set logfile log.txt
set dis [open $logfile w+]

puts $dis "\n"
puts $dis "##############################"
puts $dis "##          Login           ##"
puts $dis "##############################"

log_file -open $dis
spawn Telnet $DUTIP
set console_id $spawn_id
expect "Enter user:"
send -i $console_id "$Login\r"
expect "Enter password:"
send -i $console_id "$Password\r"
expect "DUT>"
#send -i $console_id "help\r"
after 1000

puts $dis "\n"
puts $dis "##############################"
puts $dis "##          Status         ##"
puts $dis "##############################"
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "status\r"
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "ipcable\r"
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "vendor\r"
after 500

puts $dis "\n"
puts $dis "##############################"
puts $dis "##        NATmapping        ##"
puts $dis "##############################"
expect "DUT> "
send -i $console_id "setfirewallengin 1\r"
puts firewallenable
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "setnat 1\r"
puts "enable NAT"
after 500
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "setnatmapping 1\r"
puts "enable mapping"
after 500
expect "DUT>"
send -i $console_id "natmapping add\r"
puts "add 1 mapping"
after 1000

Thursday, October 08, 2015 | Networking


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