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你离这本书第一部分的结尾已经不远了,你应该已经具备了足够的 Python 基础知识,可以继续学习一些编程的原理了,但你应该做更多的练习。这个练习的内容比较长,它的目的是锻炼你的毅力,下一个习题也差不多是这样的,好好完成它们,做到完全正确,记得仔细检查。

print "Let's practice everything."
print 'You\'d need to know \'bout escapes with \\ that do \n newlines and \t tabs.'

poem = """
\tThe lovely world
with logic so firmly planted
cannot discern \n the needs of love
nor comprehend passion from intuition
and requires an explanation
\n\t\twhere there is none.

print "--------------"
print poem
print "--------------"

five = 10 -2 + 3 - 6
print "This should be five: %s" % five

def secret_formula(started):
    jelly_beans = started * 500
    jars = jelly_beans / 1000
    crates = jars / 100
    return jelly_beans, jars, crates

start_point = 10000
beans, jars, crates = secret_formula(start_point)

print "With a starting point of: %d" % start_point
print "We'd have %d beans, %d jars, and %d crates." % (beans, jars, crates)

start_point = start_point / 10

print "We can also do that this way:"
print "We'd have %d beans, %d jars, and %d crates." % secret_formula(start_point)



$python ex24.py
Let's practice everything.
You'd need to know 'bout escapes with \ that do
 newlines and    tabs.

        The lovely world
with logic so firmly planted
cannot discern
 the needs of love
nor comprehend passion from intuition
and requires an explanation

                where there is none.

This should be five: 5
With a starting point of: 10000
We'd have 5000000 beans, 5000 jars, and 50 crates.
We can also do that this way:
We'd have 500000 beans, 500 jars, and 5 crates.






Sunday, November 08, 2015 | Python


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